Exercise 1: All about Zeitgeist and Utopian society

Dear Blog,

For this assignment I have researched all about the Zeitgeist and Utopia and from these cross-referenced definitions I have conducted I have obtained images that in my mind relate to these terms and can create a visual analysis comparing the various view points.

Zeitgeist – as a whole


“Historical periods are dominated by distinct sets of beliefs, widely imitated behaviour, and prevailing practices which taken together, form a fairly consistent, easily distinguishable, and well defined Zeitgeist” (Myweb.rollins.edu, 2016).


Pinterest. (2016). Wake Up. [online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/452471093785419377/ [Accessed 15 Mar. 2016].

The first 10 results obtained fro  my search:

zeitgeist 10 sources

  1. My own definition

Zeitgeist can be defined in my mind as a type of spirit or attitude of the general feeling of a particular age in time. This feeling can be expressed and adapted to the environment influencing those around you. This creates a new type of trend that creates modernism in society by influencing other aspects in life as well as transforming them.

  1. What information did I find?

After conducting several searches by using various terms and creating a broad understanding of the term called Zeitgeist, I have discovered that the Zeitgeist is the spirit of the age or spirit of the time (MacRumors Forums, 2016).

It is the intellectual fashion or dominant school of thought that typifies and influences the culture of a particular period in time (MacRumors Forums, 2016). It is the defining mood, attitude, or general outlook of a specific time or period, especially as it is reflected in literature, philosophy, etc. (Zeitgeist, 2016).

In history, Zeitgeist is shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time (Definition of ZEITGEIST, 2016). For example, the Zeitgeist of modernism typified and influenced architecture, art, and fashion during much of the 20th century (MacRumors Forums, 2016)

3. Slideshow illustrating My creative wall of Zeitgeist Imagery

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Utopian society- as a whole

“perhaps the greatest Utopia would be if we could all realize that no utopia is possible; no place to run, no place to hide, just take care of business here and now” –Jack Carroll (BrainyQuote, 2016).

  1. My own definition

It is used to describe an ideal political state. It has a sense of being heavenly, basically the best type of world with no laws because everyone obeys everything and does the right thing. It creates a sense of balance and tranquility among others.

  1. What information did I find?

By cross-searching various sites and sources I have conducted an overall view of what the word Utopia could mean as well as the feelings that this word expresses in various instances.

Utopia is a term denoting a visionary or ideally perfect state of society, whose members live the best possible life (Utopia – New World Encyclopedia, 2016).  Utopia thus means having completely and impossibly ideal conditions with regards to social organisation (Definition of UTOPIAN, 2016).

Utopianism refers to the various ways in which people think about, depict, and attempt to create a perfect society. It does this by dealing with morality, ethics, psychology and political philosophy: often originating from a belief that intelligence and reason can improve society. Utopia is usually characterized by optimism that an ideal society is in fact possible (Utopia – New World Encyclopedia, 2016).

Utopianism plays an important role in motivating social and political change.

Utopia is a perfect society, where poverty and misery have been eliminated, there are few laws and no lawyers, and the citizens, though ready to defend themselves if necessary, are pacifists. Citizens hold property in common, and care is taken to teach everyone a trade from which he can make a living, so that there is no need for crime (Utopia – New World Encyclopedia, 2016).

It is the impossible idea of believing and visualizing ideal social and political schemes (Definition of UTOPIAN, 2016).

3. Selecting most reliable and relevant sources

I went about selecting the most reliable and relevant sources by cross-referencing different academic sites as well us people’s views and judgments on blogs etc. and combining these definitions by placing different aspects and views of each topic together to create an overall view of what Zeitgeist and Utopia means.

4. My creative wall of Utopia illustrating a world of peace, harmony, aestheticism and balance

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5. Site that most interested my personality

Pinterest was the site that mostly interested my personality because of the variety of ideas and different views on what those words relate themselves to in all aspects of life. This in conjunction with all the images and creative ways in expressing different thoughts and concepts sparked my interest. I have a very visual mind so the images explaining the terms captured my interest more as well as making me understand the concepts from different perspectives.

6. Keywords refining search


Academic definition of Zeitgeist, Zeitgeist movement, Zeitgeist society, Zeitgeist movie, Examples, idea


Utopia balance, utopia society, utopia academic definition, city, architecture, idea, Utopian world


Reference List

  1. BrainyQuote. (2016). Jack Carroll Quotes at BrainyQuote. [online] Available at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/jack_carroll.html [Accessed 15 Mar. 2016].
  1. Definition of UTOPIAN. (2016). [online] Merriam-webster.com. Available at: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/utopian [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].

  2. Definition of ZEITGEIST. (2016). [online] Merriam-webster.com. Available at: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zeitgeist [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016]

  3. MacRumors Forums. (2016). What is a zeitgeist? Need examples. [online] Available at: http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/what-is-a-zeitgeist-need-examples.1630570/ [Accessed 15 Mar. 2016].

  4. Myweb.rollins.edu. (2016). Zeitgeist or Spirit of the Times. [online] Available at: https://myweb.rollins.edu/jsiry/zeitgeist.html [Accessed 15 Mar. 2016].

  5. Utopia – New World Encyclopedia. (2016). [online] Newworldencyclopedia.org. Available at: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Utopia [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].

  6. Zeitgeist. (2016). [online] TheFreeDictionary.com. Available at: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Zeitgeist [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].