We are now at the final theme, and I am sure you have learnt something new about an X by now. It is ironic really, that although X has an almost immeasurable diversity to it with the uncountable ways it symbolises and contradicts itself, it’s most commonly used purposes is for measurement. So it is immeasurable- but it measures (Seltzer, 2016). Try to get your head around that one. We have learnt that an ‘X’ has potitive value, as well as deadly negative value, but we are now going to discuss its symbolic value.


In genetics, we have XX standing for the female pair of sex chromosomes (as distinguished from the male’s XY combination) (Seltzer, 2016).

The X chromosome is significantly longer than the Y chromosome and contains hundreds more genes. Because the additional genes in the X chromosome have no counterpart in the Y chromosome, the X genes are dominant. This means that almost any gene on the X, even if it is recessive in the female, will be expressed in males. These are referred to as X-linked genes (Szalay, 2013).


Malcolm X

African-American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X articulated concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the 1950s and ’60s (, 2017). There are many other examples I can think of such as X men or the band X Ambassedors or The Xzibit but in my opinion Malcolm X made the most impact on the world and that is why I chose to discuss him as a symbol using X.


 “Power in defence of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompromising action.” -Malcolm X (, 2017)


Who Was Malcolm X and What Did He Do?

Malcolm X was a minister, human rights activist and prominent black nationalist leader who served as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam during the 1950s and 1960s. Due largely to his efforts, the Nation of Islam grew from a mere 400 members at the time he was released from prison in 1952 to 40,000 members by 1960. Articulate, passionate and a naturally gifted and inspirational orator, Malcolm X exhorted blacks to cast off the shackles of racism “by any means necessary,” including violence. The fiery civil rights leader broke with the group shortly before his assassination on February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, where he had been preparing to deliver a speech (, 2017).


Clothing sizes

In clothing sizes, X means “extra,” as in “XS” for extra small, “XL” for extra large (Seltzer, 2016). I think this is done to help make life easier especially for the manufacturers of the clothing products. Imagine they had to print the entire words ‘extra extra large’ how big the clothing label would have to be.


Vitamin X

This refers to the slang of the rave/dance club drug known as ecstasy (Seltzer, 2016).


X-Factor, in the world of entertainment, signifies star quality—but now is more closely associated with ITV’s musical talent show (Seltzer, 2016).  The X pertains to someone with a very unique, unusual talent. So the point of this show is to find someone that stands out from the rest.

We have now come to the conclusion of my final theme, which is still honestly just the cherry on top of all the other themes associated with the letter/ symbol X. There are so many more meanings that I have identified in my research files. I hope you enjoyed reading about three themes that usually go unnoticed in everyday life.


  1. Seltzer, L. (2016). What’s So Fascinating About the Letter “X”?. [online] Psychology Today. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]
  2. Szalay, J. (2013). Chromosomes: Definition & Structure. [online] Live Science. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].
  3. (2017). Malcolm X [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].


An ‘X’ is very mysterious, and possesses the unknown, and it is one of the least used letters in the alphabet yet it is so fascinating.  It is a mystically significant letter that is potent in many ways. Firstly, it is interesting to note that when children are learning their alphabet, X is the one letter that everyone learns easily even though it is least used (Bishop, 2000).

An X can be seen to have aesthetic beauty of seeking and finding. These two lines go on forever but intersect at only a single point- it is the end of a journey where you find the treasure, but in some cases there are no treasure, because an X can contradict itself in that it will not only symbolise positive things, but it can be bad and evil too.

Red Cross

A rotated plus is the logo for the Red Cross (and, of course, X is all about “crossing”). In this context it signifies benevolence and humanity in helping those urgently in need (Seltzer, 2016).


Crossing one’s fingers


The X has long been recognized as an occult symbol for Satan, and the black art or witchcraft of satanism.Witches cross their fingers to focus their energy and convey their possession of demonic powers. Yet, on the other hand, people cross their fingers to make a wish—doing it, for good luck (Seltzer, 2016).

 clipart fingers crossed clipart fingers crossed fingers crossed clip art clipartsco 394 X 600


As a cross mark, X signifies an error or cancellation: so we have “X out,” “X off,” and “X over,” indicating the need for a do-over; Being “cross” indicates anger- when you are cross with someone you are angry at them. Being at “cross purposes” with another communicates conflict or contrariness; and Being “double-crossed” indicates being swindled, deceived, or betrayed (Seltzer, 2016).



  1. Bishop, T. (2000). And You Thought X Was Just Another Letter. [online] latimes. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]
  2. Seltzer, L. (2016). What’s So Fascinating About the Letter “X”?. [online] Psychology Today. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].

THEME 1: DANGER AND DEATH How does an ‘X’ symbolise danger or death?

It means mysterious, unknown, dangerous, scientific, intellectual, city slicker and pagan. It’s basically anything the Republicans don’t like (Bishop, 2000).

From researching on the online thesaurus it gave me quite a lot of synonyms, I am not going to list them all but the most important ones in my opinion include: unidentified, unsigned, nameless, secret and unspecified. Antonyms for the letter ‘x’ include known, named and identified (Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, 2013).  The online dictionary defines an ‘X’ is used to represent a number or the name of a person/thing that is not known or stated. It can also be used in plural x’s at the end of an informal piece of writing and this represents a kiss or kisses (xxx). Another meaning is that it is used to show a mistake, usually when marking. It is written on an answer to a question to indicate that the answer was incorrect. Lastly, the dictionary states that it can be used to cross something off a list (Mcintosh, 2015).

But after my in depth research I found some other themes that are sometimes forgotten and are associated with the letter X. I found it quite interesting to explore more into these themes. The first being danger and death. There are four ways that I will be explaining that I see X can be perceived as a dangerous symbol, firstly with X-sports, then it signifies the ‘end’ of something, it is used as a warning and it can resemble the sign of the cross.

X-sports (Extreme sports)


This represents the most daredevil, risky (or reckless) of activities, seemingly calculated to tempt fate (Seltzer, 2016).

The top 5 ‘X’-treme sports in the world include:

  1. Creeking: This is whitewater kayaking taken to the limit. In the 1980s, as more durable kayaks were built, extreme kayakers thought of using their ride to plunge off high waterfalls. The Adrenalin rush brought about by the plunge is further increased by the thought of hitting into jagged rocks or being sucked down below the water (TheRichest, 2012).


2. BASE Jumping: This is the most dangerous recreational sport in the world, with one death recorded for every 2,317 jumps. Jumpers throw themselves off one of the BASE structures, meaning from a building, antenna, span or bridge, and earth or cliffs. Parachutes are then deployed for a safe landing. It is sort of similar to skydiving, only you will have a much shorter time of reacting in case a parachute fails. If the parachute does fail, death is almost a certainty (TheRichest, 2012).

3. Tow-In Surfing: Surfers love to drop off from the highest of waves, some of which are as tall as skyscrapers. The problem is how to get and latch onto the waves in time, as the waves move so quickly that it is extremely difficult to paddle into them. With the invention of the Jet Ski, however, the problem seems to have been solved (TheRichest, 2012). Surfing stars like Laird Hamilton and Dave Kalama can attest to the rush brought about by this technique. Of course, now that they are able to reach the top of the wave, they now face another problem of being thrown into sharp reefs or being held down underwater in case of a wipeout (TheRichest, 2012).

4. Free Soloing: Rock climbing in itself is already a difficult sport. Imagine removing all the safety ropes, harnesses and other equipment that can aid you in case you slip up. That is what free soloing is all about. They need to be able to support their entire weight using just their fingertips and toe tips, while maintaining intense concentration lest they fall off.  One tiny mistake and that’s it.

5. Wingsuit Flying: Imagine flying off a tall structure like a superhero. Wingsuit flying entails jumping off a perch and gliding down to the ground while wearing wings. These suits have an estimated glide ratio of 2.5 meters for every meter of descent. Only those with at least 200 skydives are allowed to try this sport. It is that dangerous (TheRichest, 2012).

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X signifies the end of something

An entity whose existence is over, past, dead and gone. Here, perhaps, we have X as the most “nihilistic” of letters. And curiously, cartoonists have traditionally employed it to display a character “out cold” or dead through drawing X’s over their eyes this is known as wingding eyes (TV Tropes, n.d.). It is also a symbol of fatality in the well-known skull and crossbones emblem (Seltzer, 2016).


If we go back in history, the capital (majuscule) letter X symbolizes Assur as the Godfather of humankind and the God of resurrection. The minuscule letter x represents a dead person. When someone spoke of their ex marriage-partner or ex-boss, it meant that someone had died. When someone is “crossed off” a list, or “crossed out,” it means in the original sense that they’re dead. In ancient times, people who were deceased were traditionally buried with their arms crossed in the position of Assur with his arms crossed. That ancient Pagan tradition carried over into early Christianity. Even though that burial tradition is no longer in vogue in actual burials, the tradition still lives on in the cultural memories of people (, 2012).

X as a sign of the cross

  • X as a sign of the cross where Christ was crucified, or for Christ Himself. But this symbol, or marker, can also be understood as a “crossing over” to another dimension: a transcendence, transformation, or transmigration (Seltzer, 2016).

The G-Dimension


  1. Seltzer, L. (2016). What’s So Fascinating About the Letter “X”?. [online] Psychology Today. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].
  2.  TheRichest. (2012). The Top Ten Most Extreme Sports in the World. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]
  3. TV Tropes. (n.d.). Wingding Eyes – TV Tropes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].
  4. Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus. (2013). X. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017].
  5. Mcintosh, C. (2015). x Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017].
  6. Bishop, T. (2000). And You Thought X Was Just Another Letter. [online] latimes. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].
  7. (2012). Resurrect Goddess Isis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].

Wassily Kandinsky: Composition X


composition x


Colour is the key, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with its many chords. The artist is the hand that, by touching this or that key, sets the soul vibrating automatically.”  -Wassily Kandinsky


The reason why I chose Wassily Kandinsky to talk about in my blog as my chosen artist is because he is related to my topic by the one painting he created known as ‘Composition X’. Not only is his style unique, modern and interesting but he is known as the father of Abstract art and I love the way he breaks away from traditional artistic rules and creates abstract ideas and compositions (, 2017).

Composition X- 1939

This paining was influenced by the flowing biomorphic forms of Surrealism. Kandinsky later incorporated organic shapes into it (The Art Story,2017). He created this monumental painting in France. It relies upon a black background to heighten the visual impact of the brightly coloured forms in the foreground. The black expanse creates significance, as Kandinsky only used the colour sparingly; it symbolises of the cosmos as well as the darkness at the end of life. It expresses the inner emotional and spiritual feelings Kandinsky experienced near the end of his life (The Art Story,2017). The uplifting organization of forms in contrast with the harsh edges and black background illustrates the harmony and tension present throughout the universe, as well as the rise and fall of the cycle of life. Last in his lifelong series of Compositions, this work is the culmination of Kandinsky’s investigation into the purity of form and expression through nonrepresentational painting (The Art Story, 2017).

Oil on canvas – Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf


Kandinsky was an abstract painter that desired to use colour with music. As a child his desiderata was not that of any normal child, but of his intimate experiences he already had with art together with his specific colour combinations (, 2017).

As a young boy he already held his own vision and agenda which was infused by his perception that “each colour lives by its mysterious life” (, 2017).


  • Biography

Wassily followed his family’s wishes to go into law, entering the University of Moscow in 1886. He graduated with honours, but his ethnographic earned him a fieldwork scholarship that entailed a visit to the Vologda province to study their traditional criminal jurisprudence and religion (, 2017). Still, Kandinsky married his cousin, Anna Chimyakina, in 1892 and took up a position on the Moscow Faculty of Law, managing an art-printing works on the side (, 2017).

But two events effected his abrupt change of career in 1896: seeing an exhibition of French Impressionists in Moscow the previous year, especially Claude Monet’s Haystacks at Giverny, which was his first experience of nonrepresentational art; and then hearing Wagner’s Lohengrin at the Bolshoi Theatre. Kandinsky chose to abandon his law career and move to Munich (he had learned German from his maternal grandmother as a child) to devote himself full-time to the study of art (, 2017).

“I thought that was what my life was going to be about, but while I was at the university I got involved in some intriguing studies that led me to the arts”

-Kandinsky (Wassily Kandinsky, 1999).

Artistic Prominence

In Munich, Kandinsky was accepted into a private painting school, moving on to the Munich Academy of Arts. He mainly taught himself. He began with conventional themes and art forms, but all the while he was forming theories derived from devoted spiritual study and informed by an intense relationship between music and colour. These theories coalesced through the first decade of the 20th century, leading him toward his ultimate status as the father of abstract art (, 2017).

Colour became more an expression of emotion rather than a faithful description of nature or subject matter.

He formed friendships and artist groups with other painters of the time, such as Paul Klee. He frequently exhibited, taught art classes and published his ideas on theories of art (, 2017).

During this time, he met art student Gabriele Münter in 1903 and moved in with her before his divorce from his wife was finalized in 1911. They travelled extensively, settling in Bavaria before the outbreak of World War I (, 2017).

He had already formed the New Artists Association in Munich; the Blue Rider group was founded with fellow artist Franz Marc, and he was a member of the Bauhaus movement alongside Klee and composer Arnold Schoenberg (, 2017).

World War I took Kandinsky back to Russia, where his artistic eye was influenced by the constructivist movement, based on hard lines, dots and geometry. While there, the 50-year-old Kandinsky met the decades-younger Nina Andreevskaya, the daughter of a general in the Russian army, and married her. They had a son together, but the boy lived for only three years and the subject of children became taboo. The couple stayed on in Russia after the revolution, with Kandinsky applying his restless and comprehensive energies to the administration of educational and government-run art programs, helping to create Moscow’s Institute of Artistic Culture and Museum of Pictorial Culture (, 2017).

Back in Germany after clashing theoretically with other artists, he taught at the Bauhaus school in Berlin and wrote plays and poems. In 1933, when the Nazis seized power, storm troopers shut down the Bauhaus school. Although Kandinsky had achieved German citizenship, World War II made it impossible for him to stay there. In July 1937, he and other artists were featured in the “Degenerate Art Exhibition” in Munich. It was widely attended, but 57 of his works were confiscated by the Nazis (, 2017).

Death and Legacy

Kandinsky died of cerebrovascular disease in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, on December 13, 1944.

He and Nina had moved to the suburb of Paris in the late 1930s, when Marcel Duchamp had found a little apartment for them. When the Germans invaded France in 1940, Kandinsky fled to the Pyrenees, but returned to Neuilly afterward, where he lived a rather secluded life, depressed that his paintings weren’t selling. Although still considered controversial by many, he had earned prominent supporters such as Solomon Guggenheim and continued to exhibit till his death (, 2017).

Little of the work Kandinsky produced in Russia has survived, although many of the paintings he created in Germany are still extant. The New York auction houses continue to do him proud today—in recent years, his artwork has sold for well over $20 million (, 2017).


  • Stylistic innovations


Kandinsky believed that each time period puts its own indelible stamp on artistic expression; his vivid interpretations of colour through musical and spiritual sensibilities certainly altered the artistic landscape at the start of the 20th century going forward, precipitating the modern age (, 2017).

Also people are always amused when I tell them about the first time I experienced an abstract painting. I was in my studio when I saw the most incredible painting. I didn’t recognize it at first. All I saw was the harmony of the colour and form. There was no objective and it was beautiful. I was so struck by it that I went over to look at it more intently and I realized it was my own painting. I had put it on the easel upside down! (, 2012)


Hidden meaning…

In Composition X, some people see Kandinsky’s loneliness, or perhaps a desire for a more vibrant circle of artistic ways. On the other hand, he may have been just diligently following his personal artistic vision (, 2012).

At first glance this composition could look like a collection of festive party favours, ribbons, greeting cards, confetti and more exploding across and black background. Looking closer, however, one discovers more intriguing forms. For example, in the upper left corner it appears to be futuristic city landscapes and arcane hieroglyphics. It hints at something larger, greater, and mysterious (, 2012).

Colour Scheme

There are mostly pastel colours and some primary reds and yellows create an important balance. Some art observers claim an intense contemplation of Composition X will bring the viewer into a kind of synchronization or resonance of soul(, 2012).

Ahead of its Time

It’s clear, however, that with works such as Composition X, Wassily Kandinsky was heralding a style that would soon have its day and come into much greater favour throughout the art world. This work, completed in 1939, would seem more at home in the late 1940s and 1950s. It’s possible that Kandinsky was simply seeing further ahead in time than others (, 2012).


Here are some extra artworks he has created:

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  1. (2017). Wassily Kandinsky. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].
  2. (2012). Composition X by Wassily Kandinsky – Facts & History of the Painting. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].
  3. Wassily Kandinsky. (1999).


Soundtrack, title and CD cover: ‘X’cellent

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Song title: The Letter ‘X’ song by ABCmouse

Song Lyrics:

Hmm… —wanna sing about the letter x?

Extra! Extra! Let’s talk about it! Letter x! Letter x! I want to shout about it!

An exceptional letter, extraordinary too— letter x is the one that follows w!

X! X! “X”! “X”! X! X! “X”! “X”!

Now, x sounds like “ks” inside of a word! So every time you see an x, this is how it’s heard— excite, exceed, extreme, extent, explore, explode—that’s excellent!

“X”! “X”! X! X! “X”! “X”!

Now, when you see an x at the end of a word, the sound of “ks” will still be heard,

as in six, fix, ax, and mix, flex, fox, wax, and ox.

Now, x is a crossing, and x marks the spot!

If you want to know some more, this is what I’ve got:

When x starts a word it’s got the sound of a z.

Will I give you an example? Most definitely!

Xylophone, the instrument!

Well, that’s one that you’ve probably heard.

Well, I think it’s kind of funny that x can start a word!

X! Can I get an x? X! What a great letter.

X is my buddy. X is my friend. X is the one I can see at the end.

X! That’s letter x, y’all. That’s letter x. X! X! X! Let me tell you about x! “X”! “X”! One more time, one more time, say x! (YouTube, 2014)

“The Letter X Song” filled with the exciting rhythms of hip-hop music, which originated in the 1970s in New York City. Since beat box and rap are forms of making sounds and poetry, this song can encourage your child to come up with their own beat box sounds and raps! is an award-winning website that uses a variety of activities, including these songs, to help children build a strong foundation for future academic success.


YouTube. (2014). “The Letter X Song” by [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].

‘X’ marks the spot


You have received a prize for finding me…

A free joke:

There were two Irishmen out fishing, it’s like Galilee all over again. Boats are full of fish!

So, the one Irishman says to the other:

“I hope you marked the spot where the fishing is good?”

He replies:

“Yeah, I put an X on the side of the boat.”

His friend then replies:

“You idiot! We might not get this boat next time!”


Free writing

I am so glad! You have finally made it. Because as we all know, X marks the spot. I am so glad I was able to capture your interest so that you could be a part of my blog, I mean what is greater than the treasure of general knowledge? – here is what it’s all about…

They say that everyone should know quite a bit of general knowledge, but it is not as common as people perceive it to be. Look at my example for instance, something as simple as an X has so many symbolic and interesting meanings that I am sure you had no clue about, or even realized of what great importance such a simple entity could possibly entail.

 Well, it must be fate that you are here then, because you are about to find out all about it. I hope you are excited to travel to all my different topics and receive all the hidden treasures where all the X’s will be found. I find it interesting in the way that one small entity such as an X can have so many symbolic meanings even though it is so simple, and we usually just look past it, and this is why I want to explore these meanings to give it more recognition.

I find this topic very abstract and unique compared to other objects such a cup or cell phone because those types of objects are physical, and X is placed in all aspects of our minds and can symbolize something different in every context, and this is what I feel all graphic designers need to know when dealing with something that needs advertising, that all of our minds are wired differently, and the way in which one person can give something symbolic value in one circumstance, the person next to him can perceive something completely different, and we need to understand and evaluate all different cultures and values before just stating our own opinions and advertising our own feelings.

Here is a mind map containing everything I know about an X before any research done:

mind map



I have many questions that I would love to answer by the end of this blog, as well as gaining a lot of insight and new general knowledge facts that I would then love to share with you. These questions include:

  1. Questions from a friend about my topic:
    1. Does the letter seem more masculine/feminine?

    I would say masculine because it is domineering and quite forceful, mostly placed at the beginning or words using its meaning- similar to how a man is traditionally placed at the head of the table. To me its meaning and characteristics remind me of a man’s traits.

    1. What emotion does it create?

    Depending on its context, it will mean something different. The letter X has quite a lot of contradictory meanings which will be explored later in my blog

    1. Does its size change its function?

    Not necessarily, its placement changes its function

    1. How does it make life easier?

    As a symbolic form it replaces larger words or represents an unknown entity- instead of calling it ‘unknown answer’ an ‘x’ will sit in its place to save time

    1. What would life be without it?

    It is definitely needed in life especially for understanding purposes. It definitely would make life more confusing in language, maths and even in marking- if something is wrong how would one represent that besides writing the word ‘wrong’ next to each wrong answer. That just sounds like an unwanted hassle.

    1. Where is it seen?

    Literally everywhere- all the places will be discussed further in the blog. Such a simple- least used letter in the alphabet makes up for this in so many other places.

    1. What road signs do you find an X on?


    1. Would you find an X at the ten pin bowling alley?

    Yes, when you get a strike it gets recorded as an X- there are 10 pins that get knocked down- in roman numerals X means 10

    1. What does the X stand for in X-factor?

    It pertains to someone with a very unique, unusual talent

    1. Are they used by helicopters when landing?


    1. Is X a number?

    Yes, it symbolises a 10 in roman numerals

    1. Can you use it in a game?

    Yes, noughts and crosses, ten pin bowling, cricket(strike)

    1. Why is an X used in X-rated movies?

    In some countries, X or XXX indicates that it is reserved for the most explicit films. Films rated X are meant to be viewed only by adults- usually people over the age of 18 or 21.

This topic of an X, relates to various aspects of a person:

  1. Spiritual:

An X in X-mas means Christ.

  1. Emotional:

Where ever it is used it produces a different kind of emotion or reaction to it. For example, if you see it on a road sign, it gives an informative message of what lies ahead such as a cross road, and warns us for our own safety, and this symbolic value differs entirely from if you see an X on the score board when you are playing ten pin bowling because if you knock all the pins down you get a strike (represented as an X) and you experience feelings of joy and excitement in the game.

  1. Mental:

An X is used as a mathematical representation in maths of the goal you plan to achieve, it is also symbolic in Roman numerals as the number 10.

  1. Physical:

You can physically see it anywhere all over the world and its symbolic value differs in many different contexts


This was simply an introduction to my topic with my existing knowledge on it before my in depth research which can be seen in my next blog. See you there!