‘X’ marks the spot


You have received a prize for finding me…

A free joke:

There were two Irishmen out fishing, it’s like Galilee all over again. Boats are full of fish!

So, the one Irishman says to the other:

“I hope you marked the spot where the fishing is good?”

He replies:

“Yeah, I put an X on the side of the boat.”

His friend then replies:

“You idiot! We might not get this boat next time!”


Free writing

I am so glad! You have finally made it. Because as we all know, X marks the spot. I am so glad I was able to capture your interest so that you could be a part of my blog, I mean what is greater than the treasure of general knowledge? – here is what it’s all about…

They say that everyone should know quite a bit of general knowledge, but it is not as common as people perceive it to be. Look at my example for instance, something as simple as an X has so many symbolic and interesting meanings that I am sure you had no clue about, or even realized of what great importance such a simple entity could possibly entail.

 Well, it must be fate that you are here then, because you are about to find out all about it. I hope you are excited to travel to all my different topics and receive all the hidden treasures where all the X’s will be found. I find it interesting in the way that one small entity such as an X can have so many symbolic meanings even though it is so simple, and we usually just look past it, and this is why I want to explore these meanings to give it more recognition.

I find this topic very abstract and unique compared to other objects such a cup or cell phone because those types of objects are physical, and X is placed in all aspects of our minds and can symbolize something different in every context, and this is what I feel all graphic designers need to know when dealing with something that needs advertising, that all of our minds are wired differently, and the way in which one person can give something symbolic value in one circumstance, the person next to him can perceive something completely different, and we need to understand and evaluate all different cultures and values before just stating our own opinions and advertising our own feelings.

Here is a mind map containing everything I know about an X before any research done:

mind map



I have many questions that I would love to answer by the end of this blog, as well as gaining a lot of insight and new general knowledge facts that I would then love to share with you. These questions include:

  1. Questions from a friend about my topic:
    1. Does the letter seem more masculine/feminine?

    I would say masculine because it is domineering and quite forceful, mostly placed at the beginning or words using its meaning- similar to how a man is traditionally placed at the head of the table. To me its meaning and characteristics remind me of a man’s traits.

    1. What emotion does it create?

    Depending on its context, it will mean something different. The letter X has quite a lot of contradictory meanings which will be explored later in my blog

    1. Does its size change its function?

    Not necessarily, its placement changes its function

    1. How does it make life easier?

    As a symbolic form it replaces larger words or represents an unknown entity- instead of calling it ‘unknown answer’ an ‘x’ will sit in its place to save time

    1. What would life be without it?

    It is definitely needed in life especially for understanding purposes. It definitely would make life more confusing in language, maths and even in marking- if something is wrong how would one represent that besides writing the word ‘wrong’ next to each wrong answer. That just sounds like an unwanted hassle.

    1. Where is it seen?

    Literally everywhere- all the places will be discussed further in the blog. Such a simple- least used letter in the alphabet makes up for this in so many other places.

    1. What road signs do you find an X on?


    1. Would you find an X at the ten pin bowling alley?

    Yes, when you get a strike it gets recorded as an X- there are 10 pins that get knocked down- in roman numerals X means 10

    1. What does the X stand for in X-factor?

    It pertains to someone with a very unique, unusual talent

    1. Are they used by helicopters when landing?


    1. Is X a number?

    Yes, it symbolises a 10 in roman numerals

    1. Can you use it in a game?

    Yes, noughts and crosses, ten pin bowling, cricket(strike)

    1. Why is an X used in X-rated movies?

    In some countries, X or XXX indicates that it is reserved for the most explicit films. Films rated X are meant to be viewed only by adults- usually people over the age of 18 or 21.

This topic of an X, relates to various aspects of a person:

  1. Spiritual:

An X in X-mas means Christ.

  1. Emotional:

Where ever it is used it produces a different kind of emotion or reaction to it. For example, if you see it on a road sign, it gives an informative message of what lies ahead such as a cross road, and warns us for our own safety, and this symbolic value differs entirely from if you see an X on the score board when you are playing ten pin bowling because if you knock all the pins down you get a strike (represented as an X) and you experience feelings of joy and excitement in the game.

  1. Mental:

An X is used as a mathematical representation in maths of the goal you plan to achieve, it is also symbolic in Roman numerals as the number 10.

  1. Physical:

You can physically see it anywhere all over the world and its symbolic value differs in many different contexts


This was simply an introduction to my topic with my existing knowledge on it before my in depth research which can be seen in my next blog. See you there!

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