An ‘X’ is very mysterious, and possesses the unknown, and it is one of the least used letters in the alphabet yet it is so fascinating.  It is a mystically significant letter that is potent in many ways. Firstly, it is interesting to note that when children are learning their alphabet, X is the one letter that everyone learns easily even though it is least used (Bishop, 2000).

An X can be seen to have aesthetic beauty of seeking and finding. These two lines go on forever but intersect at only a single point- it is the end of a journey where you find the treasure, but in some cases there are no treasure, because an X can contradict itself in that it will not only symbolise positive things, but it can be bad and evil too.

Red Cross

A rotated plus is the logo for the Red Cross (and, of course, X is all about “crossing”). In this context it signifies benevolence and humanity in helping those urgently in need (Seltzer, 2016).


Crossing one’s fingers


The X has long been recognized as an occult symbol for Satan, and the black art or witchcraft of satanism.Witches cross their fingers to focus their energy and convey their possession of demonic powers. Yet, on the other hand, people cross their fingers to make a wish—doing it, for good luck (Seltzer, 2016).

 clipart fingers crossed clipart fingers crossed fingers crossed clip art clipartsco 394 X 600


As a cross mark, X signifies an error or cancellation: so we have “X out,” “X off,” and “X over,” indicating the need for a do-over; Being “cross” indicates anger- when you are cross with someone you are angry at them. Being at “cross purposes” with another communicates conflict or contrariness; and Being “double-crossed” indicates being swindled, deceived, or betrayed (Seltzer, 2016).



  1. Bishop, T. (2000). And You Thought X Was Just Another Letter. [online] latimes. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]
  2. Seltzer, L. (2016). What’s So Fascinating About the Letter “X”?. [online] Psychology Today. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].

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